Hard-To-Find Templates of Human Resource Relating to Labour Law
The publication of two books about the Vietnamese labour law in April 2018 – the Labour Law Handbook which provides a systematic summary of the labour law, and Frequently-Asked Questions in Labour Law which is aimed at answering frequently asked questions about labour law – received an enthusiastic welcome from both human resources professionals in general, and from foreign-invested enterprises in particular.
During this time, the author and Lawyer Nguyen Huu Phuoc has also received many requests from readers for a new book which collects all of all human resources forms related to the Vietnamese labour law, in both Vietnamese and English, to which human resources professionals in general in Vietnam and foreign readers in particular can make reference and apply accordingly. This inspired the author to write the book Hard-To-Find Human Resources Forms Related to Labour Law that was officially released on 3 June, 2019.
Highlights of the Book:
- The book “Hard-To-Find Human Resources Forms Related to Labour Law” helps human resources professional minimize their time to search and draft labour law forms as well as promptly and appropriately apply relevant legal provisions.
- The forms not only provide the readers with the framework, but depending on each specific situation of each case at different times in the enterprise and in the labour relationship but also helps you conduct appropriate adjustments and supplements for your business.
- Saving you time, money and effort in the process of finding and choosing from extremely diverse and complex legal advice sources.
- Full statistics of important and necessary personnel forms that are presented in bilingual style of Vietnamese and English in relation to issues that often arise in the labour relationship between enterprises and employees.
The book consists of 12 Chapters that are clearly presented and easily understandable in bilingual style of Vietnamese and English.
To read the timeTable of the book, please click DOWNLOAD
To buy the book, please visit http://bieumauluatlaodong.com/.
Other recent works by the author:
1) Labour Law Handbook: https://sotayphapluatlaodong.com/;
2) Book of Frequently Asked Questions in the Labour Law: https://faqvn.com/;
3) Guidance On How To Succeed in Starting Law Practice: http://huongdankhoinghiepvoingheluatsu.com/; and
4) Personal and Family Law Handbook: http://camnangphapluatgiadinh.com/.